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Versatile Oil Provides Long-Term Anti-Wear Protection

Monolec® R & O Compressor / Turbine Oil is a versatile, heavy-duty oil designed to prolong equipment life by combating the effects of high temperatures, water, contaminants and heavy loads that accelerate wear. Available in seven different viscosity grades, it is ideally suited for use in all types of air compressors and oil circulating systems.

This long-lasting, nonfoaming, turbine-quality oil provides peace of mind by ensuring that your equipment works when it is needed, whether you run it intermittently or continuously. With its superior resistance to heat, oxidation and moisture, Monolec R & O Compressor / Turbine Oil significantly outperforms ordinary commercial air compressor and turbine oils. It contains Monolec, LE’s exclusive wear-reducing additive, as well as highly effective rust and oxidation inhibitors.
Unit of Measure

Benefits and Recommendations

Available Container Size

N/A 275 gal disposable tank

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GHS Statement

N/A For commercial and professional use only

Typical Applications

  • Air compressors
  • Air line oilers
  • Bearings
  • Blowers
  • Circulating & splash systems
  • Gearboxes
  • Industrial turbines
  • Vacuum pumps

Beneficial Qualities

N/A Provides Long-Lasting Protection
  • Provides long oil service life under high heat conditions
  • Extends oil drains by four to six timesvs. ordinary oils
  • Reduces maintenance costs
  • Makes it easier to trace leaks due to red color
  • Prolongs equipment life

    Reduces Wear, Operating Temps & Energy Use
  • Possesses exceptional film strength,protecting moving parts from wear and scuffing
  • Minimizes viscosity changes as temps vary, resulting in better separation of metal surfaces
  • Maintains uniform lubricant layer due to highly effective foam suppressant that breaks up air bubbles as they form
  • Eliminates overheating and automatic shutdowns
  • Reduces frictional drag, lowering power consumption

    Protects Against Water, Rust & Corrosion
  • Separates rapidly from water, allowing excess water to accumulate for easy drain-off
  • Provide exceptional resistance to moisture, particularly effective duringperiods of shutdown when cooling may cause condensation
  • Protects metal surfaces against rust and corrosion, even in sensitive silver, copper and copper-lead bearings

    Minimizes Carbon, Varnish & Sludge
  • Inhibits carbon formation and deposits
  • Reduces acids and insoluble products caused by oil oxidation
  • Prevents sludging during service
  • Keeps systems clean and operating smoothly
  • Performance Requirements Met or Exceeded

    • AGMA 9005-D94
    • Baker Perkins 69-D (6401)
    • Cincinnati Machine [P-68 (6401)] [P-69 (6403)] [P-70 (6402)]
    • Diamond Power Soot Blowers (6401)
    • General Mills “B” Lubricants
    • USDA H2
    • Xerox 36-0028 (6401)

    Asset Reliability Solutions

    N/A Reliability Solution Products

    Customer Testimonials

    N/A 6404 & 6405 Sewage Plant
    6404 Bertram Yacht Inc
    6404 Bridgeport Michigan WWTP
    6404 City of Burlington South WWTP
    6404 Jernberg Industries
    6404 WWTP NW Oregon

    Proprietary Additives

    N/A LE’s proprietary additivesare used exclusively inLE lubricants. Monolec®R & O Compressor / TurbineOil contains Monolec.

    Monolec® wear-reducing additive creates a single molecular lubricating film on metal surfaces, vastly increasing oilfilm strength without affecting clearances. An invaluable component in LE’s engine oils, industrial oils and many of its other lubricants, Monolec allowsopposing surfaces to slide by one another, greatly reducing friction, heat and wear.

    Physical Characteristics - Typical


    N/A Red

    AGMA Grade

    N/A 3

    ISO VG / SAE Grade

    N/A 100 / 30

    Performance Test Results

    Rust Test 4 hrs @ 60ºC (140ºF), Sea H2O, ASTM D665B

    N/A Pass

    Oxidation by RPVOT @ 150ºC, minutes, ASTM D2272

    N/A 700

    Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt, ASTM D445

    N/A 11.42

    Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt, ASTM D445

    N/A 98.27

    Viscosity Index ASTM D2270

    N/A 95

    Flash Point ºC (ºF), (COC), ASTM D92

    N/A 238 (460)

    Pour Point °C (°F), ASTM D97

    N/A -15 (5)

    Copper Corrosion 3 hrs @ 100ºC, ASTM D130

    N/A 1b

    Gravity, ºAPI ASTM D1298

    N/A 30.1