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Increases Equipment Life and Promotes Easier Operation

Among the most severe demands on lubricants are those related to operation of air-activated percussion tools such as rock drills and jack hammers. These demands include pounding, constant pressure and moist air. Unlike ordinary oils used for air-powered tool lubrication, which require frequent replenishment, Monolec® Rock Drill Lubricant possesses superior performance features and qualities designed specifically for more effective and prolonged service in these extreme service conditions.

Unit of Measure

Benefits and Recommendations

Available Container Size

N/A 275 gal disposable tank

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GHS Statement

N/A For commercial and professional use only

Beneficial Qualities

N/A Longer Equipment Life
  • Promotes easier operation even at full power in prolonged usage
  • Provides fully effective lubrication at high speeds, loads and temperatures
  • Protects equipment with superior lubricity
Lower Operating Costs
  • Reduced friction lowers operating temperatures for longer maintenance-free service
  • Extends equipment life, saving replacement costs
  • Reduces rust and corrosion
Superior Wear Protection
  • Extreme pressure (EP) additive keeps metal surfaces from galling and welding
  • Prevents the formation of destructive byproducts
  • Resists wear with increased film strength
  • Clings to metal parts where moisture is present
Enhances Equipment Performance
  • Eliminates erratic power for smoother and more efficient operation
  • Increases productive service from bearings and other moving parts
  • Lowers operating temperatures and pressures
  • Increases oxidation resistance

Performance Requirements Met or Exceeded

  • USDA H2

Typical Applications

  • Rock drills
  • Jackhammers
  • Other air-powered tools

Asset Reliability Solutions

N/A Reliability Solution Products

Physical Characteristics - Typical


N/A Red


N/A 100

Performance Test Results

Relative Density @ 60ºF/60ºF, ASTM D1298

N/A 0.8773

Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt, ASTM D445

N/A 11.33

Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt, ASTM D445

N/A 98.72

Viscosity Index ASTM D2270

N/A 101

Flash Point ºC (ºF), (COC), ASTM D92

N/A 229 (444)

Pour Point °C (°F), ASTM D97

N/A -27 (-17)

Copper Corrosion 3 hrs @ 100ºC, ASTM D130

N/A 1b

Four-Ball EP Weld Point kgf, ASTM D2783

N/A 200

Four-Ball Wear @ 75ºC, 1200 rpm, 40 kgf, 60 minutes, mm wear, ASTM D4172

N/A 0.32

Gardner-Denver Ground Bearing Test Pass @ lb/in2

N/A 300,000