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Load-Carrying Oil Is Tough on Rust, Gentle on Environment

Designed for marine environments and other applications where environmental concerns require the use of a very low toxicity wire rope and chain lubricant, LE's Wirelife® Low Tox® Penetrating Lubricant (2011) has excellent load-carrying capability and provides outstanding protection against rust, while having the lowest possible toxic effect on the environment.

Lubrication Engineers operates under an ISO 9001 Certified Quality System.
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GHS Statement

For commercial and professional use only

Beneficial Qualities

Environmental Sensitivity
  • Is ideal for use in aquatic or other environmentally sensitive areas
  • Exhibits up to a tenfold reduction in eco-toxicity while maintaining good lubricant performance
  • Has a lower toxic effect on aquatic organisms than conventional competitive products
  • Unlike other biodegradable oils that break down quickly but with relatively high toxicity, Wirelife Low Tox Penetrating Lubricant biodegrades slowly but with less toxicity, minimizing environmental impact and posing less danger to aquatic life
Penetrating Ability
  • Contains a petroleum solvent to enhance penetration into the core of the rope
High Load-Carrying Capacity
  • Excellent for heavily loaded standing or running wire ropes
  • Causes less rope fatigue, which leads to extended wire rope life
Rust & Corrosion Protection
  • Performs extremely well in marine environments
  • Resists rust and corrosion
Easy Application
  • Can be dipped, sprayed on with automatic equipment or hand-applied with a brush.

Why Low Toxicity?

One question confronting scientists in environmental risk assessment is whether it is better for a material to be quickly biodegraded and possess relatively high toxicity or be low in toxicity and biodegrade at a slightly slower rate.

Lubrication Engineers believes that the latter option provides the best protection for the environment because it minimizes overall impact on the ecosystem.

Typical Applications

For wire rope, cable and chain applications with frequent exposure to the environment, particularly those near water.

Asset Reliability Solutions

Reliability Solution Products

Customer Testimonials

2011 South Carolina State

Physical Characteristics - Typical



Performance Test Results

Relative Density @60°F/60°F, ASTM D1298, without diluent


Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt, ASTM D445, without diluent


Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt, ASTM D445, without diluent


Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt, ASTM D445, with diluent


Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt, ASTM D445, with diluent


Flash Point ºC (ºF) (COC), ASTM D92, without diluent

210 (410)

Flash Point ºC (ºF) (COC), ASTM D92, with diluent

140 (284)

Pour Point °C (°F), ASTM D97, without diluent

-15 (5)

Pour Point °C (°F), ASTM D97, with diluent

-18 (0)

Rust Test 4 hrs @ 60°C, Sea H2O, ASTM D665B, without diluent


Copper Corrosion 3 hrs @ 100°C, ASTM D130, without diluent


Four-Ball EP Weld Point kgf, ASTM D2783, without diluent


Four-Ball EP Load Wear Index kgf, ASTM D2783, without diluent


Four-Ball Wear @75°C, 1,200 rpm, 40 kgf, 60 minutes, mm wear, ASTM D4172, without diluent


Acid Number mg KOH/g, ASTM D664, without diluent


Base Number ASTM D4739, without diluent


HTSUS Classification


Schedule B
