High Efficiency Filtration Solution for Large Applications & High Contamination

Xtract® Full Flow Filters provide high efficiency filtration with low pressure drop. Featuring a high holding capacity, they are ideal for large applications and highly contaminated lubricants.

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Xtract Full Flow Filter

Xtract® Full Flow Filters (6x18)
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Xtract Full Flow Filter

Xtract® Full Flow Filters (6x18)
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Xtract Full Flow Filter

Xtract® Full Flow Filters (6x18)
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Xtract Full Flow Filter

Xtract® Full Flow Filters (6x18)
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Xtract Full Flow Filter

Xtract® Full Flow Filters (6x18)
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Full Flow Filter (6x18)

3U = 3 micron, Beta 1000

Full Flow Filter (6x18)

6U = 6 micron, Beta 100

Full Flow Filter (6x18)

12U = 12 micron, Beta 1000

Full Flow Filter (6x18)

25U = 25 micron, Beta 1000
N/A Water Removal
ISO VG Oil* N/A 10-150 N/A 150+ N/A 150+ N/A 150+ N/A -