Xport® Pistol Grip Grease Gun with Clear Tube
(7)Reliability tool helps eliminate maintenance errors.
Human error in maintenance does happen; the wrong grease is applied to a piece of equipment, leading to crosscontamination and worse yet, critical bearing and equipment failure. Such maintenance errors or malpractice can be very costly and time-consuming to correct. Say goodbye to grease-related servicing errors by upgrading to the Xport® Clear Grease Gun solution. This reliability tool is helping organizations worldwide enhance their operations’ reliability maintenance efforts, enhancing overall accountability and safety.
Xport® Lever Style Grease Gun with Clear Tube
(7)Reliability tool helps eliminate maintenance errors.
Human error in maintenance does happen; the wrong grease is applied to a piece of equipment, leading to crosscontamination and worse yet, critical bearing and equipment failure. Such maintenance errors or malpractice can be very costly and time-consuming to correct. Say goodbye to grease-related servicing errors by upgrading to the Xport® Clear Grease Gun solution. This reliability tool is helping organizations worldwide enhance their operations’ reliability maintenance efforts, enhancing overall accountability and safety.
Xport® Clear Grease Gun Tubes
(7)Human error in maintenance does happen; the wrong grease is applied to a piece of equipment, leading to cross contamination and worse yet, critical bearing and equipment failure. Such maintenance errors or malpractice can be very costly and time-consuming to correct. Say goodbye to grease-related servicing errors by upgrading to the Xport® Pistol Grip Grease Gun with Clear Grease Tube. This reliability tool is helping organizations worldwide enhance their operations’ reliability maintenance efforts, enhancing overall accountability and safety.
Xport® Battery Powered Grease Gun with Clear Grease Tube
(9)Powerful solution eliminates cross-contamination
It has been estimated that 60 to 80 percent of bearing failures are lubricantrelated, including grease cross-contamination. When the wrong grease is applied to a piece of equipment, the resulting problems can be expensive and time-consuming to correct. LE offers its line of Xport® Clear Grease Guns as a simple, cost-effective reliability solution for industrial operations worldwide to eliminate cross-contamination mistakes.
The convenient battery powered model – the Xport Battery Powered Grease Gun with Clear Grease Tube – is especially useful for lubricating hard-to-reach areas or equipment that requires frequent or large-scale lubrication.
Xport® Lock-On Grease Coupler
Makes greasing tasks easy, clean, safe & fast!This optional accessory for LE’s Clear Grease Guns is a durable jaws-free device that eases grease fitting coupling and uncoupling. It includes five retaining balls to ensure a proper seal between fitting and pump.
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