Synthetic, Non-Melting Grease Protects Metal Surfaces

LE’s Almasol® Syntemp Lubricant is an extremely tacky, high-temperature, extreme pressure (EP) grease made from a very heavy synthetic fluid and non-melting thickener. It is specially formulated to provide exceptional protection at temperatures at which petroleum oils would completely oxidize. This grease has exceptional water resistance, remains unaffected by boiling water and steam, and contains inhibitors that prevent rust and corrosion.more

Unit of Measure

Benefits and Recommendations

Available Container Size

Single Tube

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Beneficial Qualities

Long Lasting & Heat Resistant
  • Lasts much longer under high temperatures than ordinary lubricants
  • Will not melt, liquefy or run during use
  • Has high oxidation resistance, preventing formation of varnish, gum or carbon deposits
Water Resistant
  • Resists water contamination, including boiling water or steam
  • Will not wash off easily
  • Is very sticky and adheres to metal; will not drip or fling off
  • Protects against rust and corrosion
  • Has superior wear-reducing characteristics
  • Exhibits excellent mechanical stability
  • Cushions gear teeth when heavy or shock loads are encountered

Performance Requirements Met or Exceeded

  • Diamond power soot blowers

Typical Applications

  • Large open gears, including kiln girth gears
  • Oven chains, cables, chains, and sliding surfaces
  • Large bearings, especially those operating in hightemperature environment
  • Low-speed plain bearings

Asset Reliability Solutions

Reliability Solution Products

Customer Testimonials

9901 Midwest Steel Mill
9901 Sky Haven Coal Co

Physical Characteristics

Thickener Type

Bentonite clay


Smooth w/tack



NLGI Grade


Performance Test Results

Worked 60 Penetration ASTM D217


Dropping Point ºC(ºF), ASTM D2265


Flash Point ºC (ºF), ASTM D92

204 (400)

Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt, ASTM D445


Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt, ASTM D445


Pour Point °C (°F), ASTM D97

-6 (21)

Oxidation drop in psi @ 100 hrs, ASTM D942


Timken OK Load lbs, ASTM D2509