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Versatile Filtration Solution for Many Types of Applications

With a broad range of thermal and chemical compatibility, these filters are versatile and work on a wide array of applications, including Xtract® filtration systems and others.

Spin-On Filter
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LEX-3M-AF QUOTE N/A 1 case of 6 N/A Don't See Pricing? Register Today! N/A 3U
LEX-6M-BF QUOTE N/A 1 case of 6 N/A Don't See Pricing? Register Today! N/A 6U
LEX-12M-CF QUOTE N/A 1 case of 6 N/A Don't See Pricing? Register Today! N/A 12U
LEX-25M-DF QUOTE N/A 1 case of 6 N/A Don't See Pricing? Register Today! N/A 25U
LEX-WA-JF QUOTE N/A 1 case of 6 N/A Don't See Pricing? Register Today! N/A
LEX-3M-KF QUOTE N/A 1 case of 6 N/A Don't See Pricing? Register Today! N/A 3U
LEX-6M-LF QUOTE N/A 1 case of 6 N/A Don't See Pricing? Register Today! N/A 6U
LEX-12M-MF QUOTE N/A 1 case of 6 N/A Don't See Pricing? Register Today! N/A 12U
LEX-25M-NF QUOTE N/A 1 case of 6 N/A Don't See Pricing? Register Today! N/A 12U
LEX-WA-WF QUOTE N/A 1 case of 6 N/A Don't See Pricing? Register Today! N/A
Unit of Measure